Wednesday, August 02, 2006

babies babies everywhere!

I just finished a baby gift tonight too! But since I'm not as craftykins as mandypants I bought my diaper bag and filled it with all sorts of doodads: change pad, hand sanitizer, travel wipes, baby toy, rings to attch other toys, abgs for dirty diapers/soiled clothes, mini kleenex, baby washcloths, spare snap t....and this sling! I love love love this fabric so much I'm going back tomorrow to make an identical one for me. I did the ring securing part over your shoulder a bit differently so you fan it yourself instead of being pre done.M


Anonymous said...

Here is a tutorial I want to try sometime for sewing a changing pad:

I love the concept of stocked diaper bags as gifts, so handy!


sew crafty said...

Here is a tutorial I want to try sometime for sewing a changing pad:

I love the concept of stocked diaper bags as gifts, so handy!


By the way, I was sure I had set this site up for anonymous comments but it's not working, hmm.

Anonymous said...

oh well, it's just messed up.

The Walshes said...

LOL! I was jsut looking at this thread yesterday thinking how cool it was and how i wished i had looked at it a few weeks ago instead so i could have made it to send with my friends parents tomorrow!