Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Picnic Placemat Roll

We go on lots of picnics in the summer but I am always a bit skeeved by the picnic tables which have had who knows what on them (squirrels, people's bums, old food) so I sewed this placemat roll today during naptime. I can throw it in the wash when I get home if it gets dirty and it's more environmentally friendly than paper napkins (I am going to sew a cloth napkin to tuck in there too). K, you can stop teasing me about wanting to bring my tablecloth because now I have these!


Update- These are so easy to make and will be so useful! I made another for me tonight and I used a stitch I hadn't tried before on my machine to finish the edges. I will be taking these camping, they can be wiped with a damp cloth and hung to dry. If you fold the top half over the silverware they fold up quite tidily.


Anonymous said...

Cute!! Great idea for all our summer excursion :) melissa

miss b said...

I love them!