Monday, January 08, 2007

The last of an old sweater

Last night I used up the last of the old wool sweater I bought at salvation army. I made a whole bunch of Xmas decorations and now I made these two stuffies for my stuffed up boys. I thought something loveable and squishable might help them feel a bit better with their colds.

I know everyone and their dog is making these kind of monster/ugly stuffies...but when they are so easy and end up so cute could I resist?! I plan on making more when I find a funky coloured wool sweater at the thrift shop.

So sewn up old sweater, stuffed, Brodies has the buttons, Coopers has an embroidered face to be safer. M

1 comment:

sew crafty said...

I like the mouth on the one on the left, it makes the character.
