Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Playdough Recipe

Playdough Recipe

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 tsp cooking oil
food colouring
optional- packet of kool aid without sugar (little envelope), makes it smell yummy and adds colour

1. Mix all ingredients and stir over low heat until thick and clings to a spoon. Mixture should form a ball. (Use low heat. For years I used too high of a heat, it's better if you are patient and use the low heat. I also add the food colouring/kool aid to the water first instead of directly into the pot, helps distribute it more evenly- Amanda)

2. Remove from sauce pan and place on a smooth, dry surface to cool.

3. Knead until smooth and pliable.

4. Store in airtight container. This clay will stay soft for months if always returned to an airtight container after play.


This is my favourite playdough recipe. It is soft, lasts a long time, is much cheaper than store bought playdough and there is no packaging to create excess waste. Also, playdough can keep my son entertained for over an hour, which makes it worth approximately it's weight in gold.

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